A Specialist in Children's Therapy
As a specialist child therapist, I work with children of all ages to help them navigate the complexities of life. My experience as a psychotherapist has included working with some of the most challenging cases. I am proud to have trained at the Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education (CCPE) and achieved a first class distinction in my Master's degree, specialising in experiential work with children and adolescents. Tracey is one of the few therapists in the UK who is accredited in EMDR therapy for adults and children.
Children and adolescents often struggle to articulate their emotions. They may feel powerless in the face of life's transitions, such as divorce, bereavement, changing schools, or simply managing difficult feelings like anger and anxiety. Through my work, I strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for young people to explore and express their emotion.
My approach
Rather than simply asking "How do you feel?", I prefer to invite my clients to "show me how you feel" through play and experiential therapy. This approach allows them to organise their thoughts and feelings in a more meaningful way, while creating a safe and supportive environment for them to express themselves and heal.
Children's issues I work with:-
Continuing somatic complaints, such as frequent headaches, stomach pains or stuttering
Anxiety at school or with exams. Panic attacks or OCD
Taking on too much emotional responsibility, such as regularly trying to appease an anxious or depressed or addicted parent
Bullying others or being bullied
School or college refusers
Unpredictable mood swings, depression or aggression
Self-harm and suicide attempts, particularly in teenagers
Substance abuse (alcohol and drugs)
Eating disorders, such as bulimia, anorexia or overeating
Problems making and keeping healthy friendships
Bereavement or preparation to loose someone close
Adoption related issues
Presenting behavioural issues that are difficult to manage by the parent or school
My child won't talk to anyone
Certain children may employ protective mechanisms to shield themselves from what they perceive as additional pain. Such mechanisms can manifest in either aggressive and confrontational behavior or withdrawal and isolation. Children who experience dissociation require a specialised approach to effectively address their needs. Our practice is well-equipped with the necessary tools and expertise to handle these challenging situations, and we have a track record of successfully connecting with every child we work with. Tracey, is currently pursuing a doctorate in this specific field and shares her knowledge by lecturing to students across the UK about this subject.
The practice also has three very important members of staff: Rocket (our trained therapy dog), Asoka, and Woody (Trained therapy cats). These trained therapy animals have been shown to have a plethora of benefits in therapy sessions, such as reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as helping children on the autistic spectrum and those with ADHD behaviors. However, it is important to use therapy animals sensibly and appropriately, as some people may not like them or may have allergies.
Tracey supervises many therapists across the UK and takes referrals from UK agencies. She also works closely with CYPMHS/CAMHS, adoption agencies, schools and services within the NHS . If you type into Google children therapist near me, you may find it a challenge when it comes to finding a specialist in children therapy locally. If you live far away Tracey does offer online sessions including EMDR or Brainspotting.
Tracey also lectures at Middlesex University to professionals beginning the journey on training to become a therapist. She is currently doing a doctorate in partnership with the NHS over the lived experience of adolescence and EMDR therapy which aims to identify the techniques needed to keep. children engaged in therapy longer and therefore save many lives.
If you are searching for a skilled children's therapist near you, look no further. Our practice is dedicated to providing specialised therapeutic support for children and adolescents.
What is the difference between a psychotherapist and a psychologist?
A psychotherapist provides therapeutic interventions to help individuals manage emotional and psychological challenges, while a psychologist often focuses on assessments, diagnoses, and treatment plans; if you're searching for teenage psychologists near me, they typically specialise in working with young people to address mental health concerns. If you want your child to feel better, loose anxiety or depression, remove trauma, increase resilience then a psychotherapist is the type of therapist you are after.